Focus - Innovate - Grow
Our Real World Experience comes from years of working with a wide range of
businesses and through our association with significant resources. Our principal goal is to put our experience to work for you.

Jim Adams – Managing Partner
Mr. Adams brings to his clients a wealth of experience in marketing, journalism, finance, government and general business. This well-rounded experience provides the insight to develop clear and effective strategies.

Alvin Curling - Government Relations
Alvin Curling brings strong hands on experience on managing government and
public relations issues based on decades grassroots and parliamentary experience.

Geoff Salmon – Financial Strategist
Mr. Salmon has combined his Law Degree from University of Western Ontario with a strong background in both the private and public capital markets.

Tony Rothschild - Loyalty Marketing
Tony is an experienced senior executive best known for his entrepreneurial flair and his capacity for starting companies from scratch, launching new products and services, securing financing and taking responsibility for controlling all areas of running a successful, growing business, in both the private and public sectors.